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U.K. Man's Neighbor Insists He Get Rid of Senior Dogs so Kids Can Play in His Yard!
So, as reported by The Mirror, a couple was left blindsided by their new neighbors' demands just months after moving into their new home. Apparently, the folks in their neighborhood were totally cool initially, but things turned sour when one entitled mom decided to rock the boat. We'll get to that in a minute. First, some backstory.
The couple recently bought their first house after looking for a home with a "huge back garden." The homeowner explained: "The previous owners of our place were an elderly childless couple who were well known in the area for basically being grandparents to everyone, and the husband had built multiple tree houses and bridges in the trees for kids to play in.
"The property is fully fenced but has three swinging gates into it. When we first moved in, we were approached by the next-door neighbor, who very politely asked if her kids could keep using the backyard to play in.
"We agreed that it was OK so long as she understood that if her kids got hurt, it wasn't our problem, and we wouldn't be supervising kids playing or anything. She was fine with that and seemed very appreciative and brought over cookies and juice when she came over to watch her kids.
"Word went around, and eventually, we had around a dozen kids coming by each week, some supervised, some in groups of two or three, but everyone was polite and tidy, so we didn't really care."
After Christmas, however, things changed when the man's elderly parents moved into a retirement home that didn't accept dogs, leaving their 11-year-old Belgian shepherd and 12-year-old German shepherd in need of rehoming.
The man decided to take the dogs, which the neighborhood kids adored, and everything seemed to be alright until one day, an angry woman arrived to complain about the dogs — or, more precisely, their waste — and demanded the couple get rid of them.
The homeowner added, "The problem started when a lady we didn't know showed up at our house and started screaming at my wife. Apparently, her 6-year-old had come home with his friends, and they had dog poo smeared all over their hands. She basically told my wife that if she didn't get rid of the dogs, then her kids wouldn't come over anymore, and she'd press charges for endangerment.
"My wife basically told her to go away and that it wouldn't have happened if she'd been supervising her child. The woman left and came back with a petition and around six signatures for us to get rid of the dogs. We told her to go away and that kids were now no longer welcome. We locked the gates and put signs up explaining and left it at that.
"Several of the nice neighbors have come by to beg us to change our minds, but we don't want to risk it, and we don't have the time to supervise the kids, so the gates stay locked. We are now arguing with a couple of people who feel it's unfair that the entire neighborhood is tarred because of one person's actions."
Perhaps they should take it up with the irate ingrate that put the kibosh on the incredibly generous set-up.