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Add your name to the millions who are using their voice to support movements helping people, saving animals, and creating a better world.
Sign one of these popular petitions:

Save Young Lives — End Child Exploitation in the Workforce
Join us in the urgent fight to end child labor and protect our youth from exploitation and hazardous conditions in the workplace.

Stop Poachers From Slaughtering Utah’s Wildlife

Keep Deadly Lead Poisoning Out Of Our Food

Prevent the Tragic Loss of Louisiana’s Bottlenose Dolphins

Keep Horrific Horse Abuse Out of the Olympics

Protect Innocent Lives — Take Action Against Cat Abuse on Social Media

Save America's Greater Sage-Grouse from Extinction

Keep Toxic Metals Out Of Tampons

Ban Corporate Exploitation and Save the Great Salt Lake

Take a Stand Against Cruel Nicotine Tests on Animals

Protect Our Kids from Gambling Addiction