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Should I Give Dried Bones to My Dog for More Calcium?
Doris de Luna
And so, when we think of the importance of chewing for dogs, the first thing that comes to our mind is bones. Dogs love bones; that's what we've seen on TV, in movies, and in magazines, and it's also what were told when we were young.

But vets tell us that it can be dangerous to give bones to dogs because they can get broken into sharp pieces and possibly pierce our dogs' stomachs and intestines.
However, some experts say we can give raw bones to our dogs, since these are harder for dogs to break apart. Meanwhile, dehydrated bones are also becoming popular.
This is the concern of this pet owner, named Tinapa, who wrote to PetHelpful for more information about nutritious bones that are safe for dogs: "I am wondering about big bones like cow bones and smaller bones such as duck feet. Are there any credible sources of information on giving dehydrated bones to dogs?"

Dr. Mark dos Anjos presented the following facts:
- Dehydrated bones are a bit more dangerous because they are more brittle in comparison to others.
- Heat-dried bones are also more brittle because heat removes the water from them. Your dog's teeth may get chipped from chewing this type of bone. The broken pieces may also perforate your dog's bowel.
- Freeze-dried bones are less likely to break because the water in them is eliminated through freezing. They are better than dehydrated bones, but it must be remembered that no bones are totally safe.
- Treats made with ground bones are easier for dogs to digest and less likely to cause intestinal blockage.

However, Dr. dos Anjos cautioned about the possibility of dried bones still containing contaminants such as salmonella and other mycotoxin chemicals. And although he gives his own dogs raw bones, no bone offers a 100% guarantee that it will not splinter and cause harm.

You can store raw bones in the freezer, but freezing does not get rid of bacteria. Once the bone thaws, these microorganisms multiply. But for so long as the meat has not been contaminated after the slaughter, this type of bone is just fine for a dog chew.
With regard to bone nutrition, a dog may benefit from its calcium content and other nutrients. But vitamin and mineral supplementation gives the same advantage.