@FlyWithKay Fundraiser Aims to Raise $50,000 for Pilots to the Rescue

@FlyWithKay Fundraiser Aims to Raise $50,000 for Pilots to the Rescue
With a start date of Saturday, August 19, running through September 30, 2023, pilot and social media personality Kay Hall of @FlyWithKay began a well-deserved fundraising campaign across her social media channels to benefit the rescue group and charitable organization known as Pilots to the Rescue. To date, they've flown more than 2,000 animals to brighter futures!

pilot Kay Hall with cats Photo: FlyWithKay

Hall, who has 2.3 million followers, is using her various platforms to raise cash and awareness for the volunteer-driven group that flies at-risk shelter pets across the U.S. in the hope of finding them loving forever homes. As part of her plan, she partnered with Pilots to the Rescue on a trip to New Jersey to be part of an inspiring fundraising video featuring adoptable pets. Hall is determined to raise $50,000 for the nonprofit through donations on her YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook accounts. All of the proceeds will go directly to Pilots to the Rescue to help fund their frequent life-saving flights around the country for at-risk shelter pets.

Hall hopes that by leveraging her massive follower base, she can help raise awareness and funding for animals in danger of euthanasia and instead see them go to shelters and homes across America where they can be adopted.
In addition to her social media platforms, people can visit flywithkay.com to learn more about her, the cause, and to make donations. Hall also informed us that anyone interested in supporting her efforts can go to Pilots to the Rescue to donate directly as well.

Hall got her pilot's license about five years ago and makes it a habit to go to airshows whenever she gets a chance. That's where she first started making contact with other pilots and got the idea of getting involved with animal rescue.

dogs on small-engine place Photo: FlyWithKay

While she only jumped into the mix 5-6 months ago, Michael Schneider, one of the founders of Pilots to the Rescue, reached out to her and invited her to come on a rescue mission. It ultimately fell through, but last month she flew from L.A. to New Jersey to film with him and meet the rescue animals.
She's never done animal rescue or evacuation work before, but she's excited at the prospect of getting started on both. When asked if she had a message she'd like to share, she said, "Going forward, regardless of what industry you're in, there are people and pets that need your help, and there are things you can do. Even if you can only share a dollar, everything helps."

Kay's cats Photo: FlyWithKay

Hall is obviously an animal lover, and her family unit comprises adopted felines, including Stowaway, a kitten they noticed trying to drink water out of their hot tub last year. Starving and dehydrated, he was "stowing away" in their backyard, thus the name.
You can check out the fundraiser video entitled Cats, Dogs, and Even Snakes on a Plane on YouTube below. But before we go, we want to remind you that you can also support animal rescue each month via Freekibble Flights to Freedom, which works with Greater Good Charities' Good Flights to save homeless pets year-round.
Rebecca West

Rebecca is a writer and editor for both print and digital with a love for travel, history, archaeology, trivia, and architecture. Much of her writing has focused on human and animal health and welfare. A life-long pet owner, she has taken part in fostering dogs for military members during deployment and given many rescued and surrendered dogs the forever home they always wanted. Her two favorite canine quotes are, "Be the kind of person your dog thinks you are," and "My dog rescued me."

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