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Meet the Grandma Selected as the Face Adidas' New Running Campaign
Anastasia Arellano
One 85-year-old grandmother from Manchester, England, has proven that after being chosen as one of the faces for a new Adidas ad campaign.

The 85-year-old, Barbara Thackray, is one of those chosen for the new Adidas running campaign after being scouted by the brand thanks to her amazing running achievements.
While some would assume Barbara has been running her entire life, that actually isn't the case. In fact, Barbara didn't start running until eight years ago, as an effort to raise money for St Ann's Hospice - a place where her late sister, Audrey, was a patient. Barbara wanted to find a way to give back.

According to a press release from the hospice, she explained, "It is vital they are able to continue the wonderful support and care they give for people for many more years, just like they did for my sister in 1988."
Barbara started running at the age of 77, and is happy that she took it up as it also helps to keep her in shape. As for her new Adidas ad, Barbara admitted to the BBC that she's "only seen it vaguely."

Barbara then added, "So long as they [Adidas] were prepared to make a significant donation to St Ann's Hospice, I felt okay about it."
Earlier in March, Barbara completed the Run North West Trafford 10k run, where she achieved her personal best record of 85 minutes. Unsurprisingly, she was the only runner who was running in the 80+ category.
Watch Barbara's ad down below:
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