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Man Can't Believe His Eyes as Deer Enjoys a Swim in the Ocean
Doris de Luna
Whatever it was looked huge, and Baker was wondering what kind of creature it was that appeared to be having fun with the waves. To Baker's astonishment, the animal was a deer!

“You could tell he was having a good time. There were moments where it looked like he was intentionally crashing into or even trying to ride the waves. I kind of got the sense that he had done it before because he had gotten out of the water so easily,” said Baker.
At the same time, he was thinking that the deer might have gone into the waters to avoid people on the beach. But when a beach patrol pulled up beside him, Baker learned that deer swimming into the ocean was a common sight on Myrtle Beach.

Baker smiled and kept on watching the animal admiringly. This was something really new to him, and he was glad to know that both humans and animals have a great time there.
After recording the amazing incident, Baker uploaded the video on Instagram to share with others just how much this deer love the ocean the way people do.
Well, according to experts, deer are excellent swimmers, and they are known to swim as fast as 15 miles per hour and an amazing distance of 10 miles. Out in the wild, you'll see them swimming across ponds and lakes, often for the purpose of finding food and getting away from danger.

Water deer, such as the Korean Water Deer and Chinese Water Deer, are more agile swimmers than the common deer. They are smaller in size, but with more powerful hind legs and long necks. They don't grow antlers; instead, they develop tusks from the upper jaw that protrude outside their mouths.
So, next time you see a deer having fun on the beach, don't be surprised. Swimming is natural for them, even for deer mamas, whose instinct urges them to find islands where they can give birth in serenity.