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Rescue Puppy to a Big Dog: One of These Days You’ll Love Me Too, My New Big Brother
Doris de Luna
Mike Allton, international keynote speaker on Influencer Marketing, host of Partnership Unpacked podcast, and head of Strategic Partnerships at Agorapulse, used these words of former US President Roosevelt to share the value of perseverance.

He wrote after the quote, "Sounds like great advice, right? But what does it really mean? I think Roosevelt was trying to tell us a couple things. First, when it feels like everything's going wrong, don't give up. Giving up never made anything right. It's only when you hang on and keep on fighting for what you want that you'll get there. That's the 'hang on' part. And second, 'the knot' is really important too. Roosevelt is suggesting that you find one thing that you can specifically hold onto. Whether it's an accomplishment or a task you have complete control of. Something that you can grab with both hands and feel like you've made progress ... maybe just stopped falling!"
But perseverance is important not only to people; a puppy named Murphy instinctively knew it was how he could win the love of his new big brother, Brodie.
Brodie never liked him, from the moment their fur mom brought the small puppy into their home. This was a big puzzle for their fur parents since Brodie has befriended every rescue dog they've adopted over the years.
But, when it comes to Murphy, he was treating him as if the little puppy didn't exist. It was quite heartbreaking to see.
And yet, the little puppy's persevering efforts touched the heart of more than a million people! The sweet pup would simply not give up until he's earned Brodie's affection. He's been so excited after being rescued and adopted by a loving family. Only Brodie was cold to him for some reason.
Well, as it's said somewhere -- Murphy just couldn't remember the source -- "Love bears all things, endures all things, hopes all things. Love never fails."
After more than two months, Murphy finally succeeded! Gosh, after all those loving kisses, energetic jumping, and Murphy's lying down next to Brodie and constantly being rejected, the puppy has won Brodie's trust and love at last!
Now, Murphy's truly a part of their big family! Happiness that he really deserves after being rescued and his persevering efforts to fit into his new forever home!