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Rescue Pups Misha and Masha Had 3 Hidden Neighbors! More to the Story...
Rebecca West
Rescue Animals
The three puppies were considerably larger than their tiny fluffball friends were when they were rescued in the same area. Of the three, one was too terrified to come out of the hole and allow anyone to touch her initially. The other two were so eager for human contact and food that they let their inhibitions slide in exchange for the kindness bestowed upon them by the two women who showed up to save them.
Crisis in Ukraine
Since the war in Ukraine began, animals all across the country have been suffering. These creatures include wildlife, zoo or sanctuary animals, and ordinary housepets that no longer have the security they once knew. Groups like @lovefurryfriends have been doing the best they can to alleviate the suffering and fear abandoned pets have undergone over the last year, but it truly does take a village to overcome challenges of this magnitude. That's why it's important that we all pitch in wherever/however we can.
Overcoming Adversity
Scores of these animals will continue to suffer from emotional pain long after the hunger and physical scars heal. But, with patience, kindness, and understanding, many of them will hopefully go on to live relatively happy, healthy lives. That's why people like the folks at @lovefurryfriends and others keep at it. For them, turning a blind eye isn't an option.
It took a little time, but they were eventually able to coax two of the new-found pups into their vehicle and shuttle them off to safety. They'd have to come back for the third dog.
Creature Comforts
Once they got two of the pups home, it was obviously bath time after all those hours spent sleeping in dirt. They cleaned up nicely and took to their new environment with gusto. What's not to like about food, warmth, and comfort after roughing it your entire life? The two pups turned out to be girls, so they were named Tori and Dasha.
A few hours later, members of the community that had helped to catch the two alerted @lovefurryfriends that they'd been able to catch the third pup, so they were off to pick them up.
Animals in Need
When they brought the third dog home, it was terrified and cowered in a corner of the room. Even the playful coaxing of the other puppies couldn't soothe the frightened animal initially. With time, however, Yumi, as she was named, was enticed into the tub for a freshening up as well. Once she was tucked into a warm, dry bed, Misha and Mash gave her the welcome treatment, too.
As always with this rescue group, the dogs were seen by veterinarians to ensure their health was good. Once they were safe and sound and their health was improved, they had an adorable photoshoot to aid in finding them forever homes. Here's to hoping it works! Watch their video below.