Horse Who Lived for Years in a 10 by 10 Stall Now Runs Across 40 Acre Property

Horse Who Lived for Years in a 10 by 10 Stall Now Runs Across 40 Acre Property
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
I got my black stallion through a rescue group who had saved him through his owner turning him over to them.

He's a registered Quarter Horse and had been used for breeding. The owners kept him in a 10x10 stall all the time - never a chance to be out in a pasture or run with other horses.


He was emaciated and had no muscle tone when they got him, and it took almost a year to get him in a condition where he could be adopted and have him gelded. He had never been ridden.

I fell in love the moment I saw him, but it hasn't always been an easy road. Although an experienced horse owner, he bucked me off (well, I didn't stay on) and I broke some ribs. We had several months of just hanging together before I could ride again.
Since then, we've developed an incredible bond. He tests me often, makes me laugh daily, teaches me patience, and makes me want to be a better person. He has reignited my love of riding and the passion I had as a child. He now gets to run on 40 acres with five other horses and actually be a horse.
 width= PHOTO: LIZ V.

It has been a gift watching this beautiful boy learn to be a horse. I am so looking forward to all the adventures we have ahead of us!
Story submitted by Liz V. from Grass Valley, California.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!
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