Woman Spends Weeks Trying to Rescue Stray, Finally Succeeds By Luring Her with Chips and Beans

Woman Spends Weeks Trying to Rescue Stray, Finally Succeeds By Luring Her with Chips and Beans
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
I found this sweet girl while living in Phoenix, one extremely hot summer.

I worked for a car rental company, and one morning when I was opening the gate, I saw this tiny thing dart out from under a car and run under a fence on the other side of the lot. At the time, I thought she was a black cat. She was living between two buildings in a space that was maybe a foot wide.


I tried for a couple weeks to get her out with different kinds of cat food, but she wouldn't budge. About two weeks later, I sat at the fence eating my lunch from a local Mexican restaurant a couple doors down, when I decided to try something. I put the container down with the beans and chips, and she walked over to it and started eating!

We were able to reach under the fence to get her out at that point, and I kept her in the employee bathroom for the rest of the day, until I could take her to the vet on the way home. The vet said she was about a year old and wouldn't have made it another week out there by herself.
She is slightly deformed (she has only stubs for back paws, and one front leg is shorter than the other) and the vet told me the mama cat probably left her behind because of that. I took her home after getting tests and fluids in her, and when my husband and I gave her a bath, we found her beautiful Calico coat underneath!

She really is the sweetest cat, and we just love her to pieces. I am thankful everyday that I was the one opening the gate that morning to find her!
Story submitted by an anonymous user from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!
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