Crouton - Out Of The Fire

Crouton - Out Of The Fire
Crouton was only 4 weeks old when the house he was living in was destroyed by a devastating fire.

His other 3 litter mates were carried out of the house by their mother but Crouton was left behind. He was found the next day by fire investigators clinging to a piece of furniture in the flooded basement and handed over to the BCSPCA.
The first vet he was taken to wanted to euthanize him immediately because of his injuries but luckily the constable refused, he'd survived the night, let's give him a chance.
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Croutons injuries were severe. He had 3rd degree burns to 35% of his body, he lost the tops of his ears, most of his toes on all 4 feet, a third of his tail had to be amputated and he had burns to his face and right side of his body.
I'm a foster for the BCSPCA and also a vet tech so I was approached to be Cru's foster whilst he went through what was going to be months of treatment and recovery, how could I refuse!
It became very apparent to both my husband and I after only a few days fostering that Crouton was a very special cat, his spirit shone bright and he never once complained or reacted badly throughout all of his treatments, he was a perfect gentleman and we quickly realized that he was going to become a member of our family.

Croutons treatments went on for about 6 months but it was all worth it, he is now fully healed, happy, healthy and much loved member of our large family.
Crouton lives with his 9 cat brothers and sister ( all rescues) and he is an inspiration to everyone he meets. Other than looking a little different he leads a normal healthy life.
Story submitted by Su Wolfe.
Crouton's story was originally shared on Share your very own rescue story here!
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