Kitten Rescued Just Before Hurricane Hits

Kitten Rescued Just Before Hurricane Hits
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
My husband and I both knew we wanted a cat, and not even 12 hours after we talked about it, a little white cat about 5-weeks-old showed up on our street. It was crying so loud for such a tiny body. We had no cat food, so we put out water and milk and put "cat food" on the grocery list for that afternoon. Later that day as I pulled into our lot, I saw he made himself a comfy spot right on one of our patio chairs.

I slipped food outside and left him to eat alone without me pestering him to come in. It poured that night, and he stayed on our porch all night. (We spent the night staring at him from the bedroom window!)
Morning came, and we had high hopes of seeing him again. We heard that Hurricane Irene was coming in less than 48 hours. We included cat supplies on our supply list in hopes of getting him just in time. We were really worried that if we didn't get him he wouldn't make it - he was too little to survive.

Later, we waited patiently with the patio door cracked and tuna inside. After four long hours, he finally popped in. Within just a few hours of being inside, he was a purring machine! Less than a day later Hurricane Irene left our building surrounded by flood waters and downed trees. I guess we can never know if he would've made it, but I'm glad we didn't have to wonder.
Now he is your average every day roly-poly kitty, loving windows, laps, ribbons and salmon snacks, except he isn't so average. We love him very much and life wouldn't be the same without him!

Story submitted by an anonymous user from Eagleville, Pennsylvania.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!
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