Former Animal Rescue Director Gets Back in the Game When a Kitten Needs Her Help

Former Animal Rescue Director Gets Back in the Game When a Kitten Needs Her Help
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
We already had three rescue kitties at home from a local rescue that was awesome, but they had recently been forced to disband. We'd always hoped to get another kitty or two through them, but had not been able to before they had to close.

The former director of the rescue was driving home one day in a rural area when a little ball of fluff ran across the road in front of her. After stopping, a tiny little girl came running to her. That little kitty had no idea she'd just hit the lottery!


After lots of food, love, and good medical care, she was posted for adoption! My husband and I were having dinner when we first saw her picture. All he said was "She's a cutie!", and that was it. We were discussing names before dinner was over and had contacted our new baby's rescuing angel to let her know she was wanted!

We brought her home for the first time just after Thanksgiving, and our three previous rescues became instant big sisters.
She's still a tiny little thing and always will be, but she's healthy, and the joy she has in playing, loving and just being warm, safe, loved, and content rolls off of her like a tidal wave! The odds of her finding her way across that lonely rural road in front of her wonderful rescuer's car were astronomical. But boy did we all hit the jackpot when she did!

Our family is now complete, and we can't wait to spend as many years as possible spoiling her and her big sisters rotten!
Story submitted by Kari Elder from High Point, North Carolina.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!
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