GreaterGood Distributes Dozens of Reusable Feminine Hygiene Kits to Schoolgirls in Rwanda

GreaterGood Distributes Dozens of Reusable Feminine Hygiene Kits to Schoolgirls in Rwanda
Around the world, many women have little or no access to modern feminine hygiene products to make their monthly cycles more comfortable and cleanly and to allow them to go on with their daily lives without disruption. Not having access to pads or tampons can often mean missing the opportunity to go to school for a few days out of the month for fear of bleeding through their clothing in front of their peers. This means that periods are directly contributing to holding young girls back from some of the opportunities that education can provide them.
 width= Photo: YouTube/Kosmotive

Especially for families in poverty and those with several daughters, the burden of paying for highly priced single-use feminine hygiene supplies is simply too much. Girls are forced to make do with old rags or whatever else they can find, which can often lead to unsanitary conditions. Makeshift pads are also often not as effective as products designed for the purpose and can lead to leaks and embarrassment and even ruined clothing.


Education is often the first step in a family's journey out of poverty. Girls who can get an education can go on to get better jobs to support their families and can end the cycle of poverty and hunger for their communities. We need to come together to help make education more attainable for girls in developing countries.
 width= Photo: GreaterGood

GreaterGood is committed to helping to ensure that young girls around the world have continual access to education and all the same opportunities that girls in better financial situations have. In that spirit, we've partnered with Kosmotive, a brand that focuses on female reproductive, maternal, and child health in developing countries, to send more than 100 hygiene kits to schoolgirls in Rwanda.
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Each KosmoPad hygiene kit contains five pads, a wet bag for carrying soiled pads, and a carrying bag. Having several pads allows girls time to wash them as needed so that they never have to go without period products. Having a separate wet bag for used pads also aids in keeping unused pads clean and dry and containing any mess.
 width= Photo: GreaterGood

The pads can be reused for two years and are eco-friendly, non-toxic, breathable, and easy to use. The kits are made in Rwanda, so they also provide jobs and sewing skills to Rwandan women.
Check out the video below to see how these reusable pads are changing the lives of young women in developing nations.
You can help us deliver more of these kits to more girls in need by donating today. Each kit costs only $7 but can make a world of difference for a struggling family who won't have to buy period products for two full years.
Elizabeth Morey

Elizabeth Morey graduated summa cum laude from Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, MI, where she dual majored in English Literature and Spanish with minors in Writing and Business Administration. She was a member of the school's Insignis Honors Society and the president of the literary honors society Lambda Iota Tau.

Some of Elizabeth's special interests include Spanish and English linguistics, modern grammar and spelling, and journalism. She has been writing professionally for more than five years and specializes in health topics such as breast cancer, autism, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease. Apart from her work at GreaterGood, she has also written art and culture articles for the Grand Rapids Magazine.

Elizabeth has lived in the beautiful Great Lakes State for most of her life but also loves to travel. She currently resides a short drive away from the dazzling shores of Lake Michigan with her beloved husband.

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