5 Low-Cost to No-Cost Ideas for Keeping Kitties Cool This Summer

5 Low-Cost to No-Cost Ideas for Keeping Kitties Cool This Summer
While cats tend to search out warm, comfy spots in the home, even they can get overheated in the summer. Sometimes you'll find them curled up in cool bathroom sinks napping in the dark. Or you may discover them splayed on tile floors trying to soak up some of the chill from the ceramic. If you've got a putty tat that feels the heat, we've got a few low-cost to no-cost ideas for you to try this summer.

Kitty Pops

This first one is a variation on doggy pops, only for felines. It entails taking a can of tuna or their favorite minced wet food and divvying it up into ice cube trays before popping them in the freezer. You can also use salmon, mackerel, sardine, or other fish-based wet foods for your cat-sicles.
While we don't generally recommend brands, if you're concerned about mercury levels in seafood right now, the brand Pure Cravings is the only seafood cat food that we're aware of that is said to be 100 percent tested for mercury, reducing the risk for cats to develop mercury poisoning and related kidney problems down the line.
Their Minced Tuna line has a red-meat tuna base with one of five different added protein toppers: Tuna loin, Salmon, Mackerel, Sardine, and Chicken. They also note that 10 percent of their proceeds are donated to animals in need.

Basements & Pets

If you have a basement, keep the door open in the summer so overheated pets can go downstairs and chill until the heat of the day has passed. It's typically several degrees cooler in your basement than the upper floors, and leaving the door open will also help to circulate that cool air up to the ground floor — or first floor, if you will.

Bathrooms & Pets

As we mentioned a moment ago, cats can frequently be found napping in bathroom sinks, but they can also crawl into bathtubs or tiled walk-in showers for a break from the temps if you don't have a basement. With that in mind, leave the door open so they can get in.


Small, portable fans or even box fans you can set on the floor are another way to help keep your pets cool this summer. Place them in areas you know they're prone to relax or hang out in.
Another thought is to keep the room dim to help keep the temperature from rising. They have some terrific energy-efficient curtains out there today that are thermal insulated for keeping rooms darker and cooler that also assist in lowering power bills.

Frozen Licki Mats for Cats

Licki mats are very popular with a lot of pets, particularly curious types and treat hogs. We're including a link for some lickible recipes to use in conjunction with them as well as some other ideas you may not have thought of.
You can also add ice cubes to their water bowl or fountain. Just remember that if it's too hot for you, it's extremely likely that it's too hot for your pets.
Rebecca West

Rebecca is a writer and editor for both print and digital with a love for travel, history, archaeology, trivia, and architecture. Much of her writing has focused on human and animal health and welfare. A life-long pet owner, she has taken part in fostering dogs for military members during deployment and given many rescued and surrendered dogs the forever home they always wanted. Her two favorite canine quotes are, "Be the kind of person your dog thinks you are," and "My dog rescued me."

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