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Articles by Dan Doyle
USCGC Harriet Lane To Expand Coast Guard Presen...
“Hawaii is at the center of the Indo-Pacific region’s future, and the Coast Guard is a critical part of our country’s efforts in maritime security, humanitarian and other region-wide engagement.”
USCGC Harriet Lane To Expand Coast Guard Presen...
“Hawaii is at the center of the Indo-Pacific region’s future, and the Coast Guard is a critical part of our country’s efforts in maritime security, humanitarian and other region-wide engagement.”
This Isn't Your Father's Navy: What Modern Carr...
The modern carrier can have up to 93 Culinary Specialists aboard, and they are held to very high standards.
This Isn't Your Father's Navy: What Modern Carr...
The modern carrier can have up to 93 Culinary Specialists aboard, and they are held to very high standards.
The Beast That Will Not Die
During the Gulf War, A-10s accounted for some 8,100 sorties, destroying 2,000 vehicles of every description, and they delivered 90% of the maverick missiles placed on targets during those few...
The Beast That Will Not Die
During the Gulf War, A-10s accounted for some 8,100 sorties, destroying 2,000 vehicles of every description, and they delivered 90% of the maverick missiles placed on targets during those few...
He Died In My Arms. Why Mike Reagan Is An Artis...
Michael Reagan is a common man doing an uncommon amount of good for regular folks who have suffered the loss of a hero of their own.
He Died In My Arms. Why Mike Reagan Is An Artis...
Michael Reagan is a common man doing an uncommon amount of good for regular folks who have suffered the loss of a hero of their own.
John McGinty - Medal of Honor, Vietnam
Despite being wounded, McGinty led his remaining men in a counterattack, directing air and artillery support while engaging the enemy at point-blank range.
John McGinty - Medal of Honor, Vietnam
Despite being wounded, McGinty led his remaining men in a counterattack, directing air and artillery support while engaging the enemy at point-blank range.
400 Medal of Honor Recipients Buried At Arlingt...
There are some 60 living Medal of Honor recipients still with us today. They represent the highest ideals of service to the nation, of dedication to duty and to their...
400 Medal of Honor Recipients Buried At Arlingt...
There are some 60 living Medal of Honor recipients still with us today. They represent the highest ideals of service to the nation, of dedication to duty and to their...