Rebecca West


Rebecca is a writer and editor for both print and digital with a love for travel, history, archaeology, trivia, and architecture. Much of her writing has focused on human and animal health and welfare. A life-long pet owner, she has taken part in fostering dogs for military members during deployment and given many rescued and surrendered dogs the forever home they always wanted. Her two favorite canine quotes are, "Be the kind of person your dog thinks you are," and "My dog rescued me."

Articles by Rebecca West

Mice Cured of Alzheimer's Provide Hope for the Rest of Us

Mice Cured of Alzheimer's Provide Hope for the Rest of Us

The work Shoshan-Barmatz and her team have completed will hopefully bring us one step closer to achieving an effective cure for all sooner rather than later.

Mice Cured of Alzheimer's Provide Hope for the Rest of Us

The work Shoshan-Barmatz and her team have completed will hopefully bring us one step closer to achieving an effective cure for all sooner rather than later.

Cuddly Chocolate Pibble, Rocky, is Through Roughing it if You Can Help

Cuddly Chocolate Pibble, Rocky, is Through Roughing it if You Can Help

Rocky is a big baby who loves to give his people friends hugs and is ready to be someone's best friend. Please ask to meet him.

Cuddly Chocolate Pibble, Rocky, is Through Roughing it if You Can Help

Rocky is a big baby who loves to give his people friends hugs and is ready to be someone's best friend. Please ask to meet him.

American Pit Bull Terrier Puppy, Spotify, Needs a Forever Home to Heal In

American Pit Bull Terrier Puppy, Spotify, Needs a Forever Home to Heal In

While Spotify may initially be shy around new people, he is slowly learning to trust and build bonds with those who show him patience and kindness.

American Pit Bull Terrier Puppy, Spotify, Needs a Forever Home to Heal In

While Spotify may initially be shy around new people, he is slowly learning to trust and build bonds with those who show him patience and kindness.

Sweet, Adoptable Smokey Just Can't Seem to Catch a Break

Sweet, Adoptable Smokey Just Can't Seem to Catch a Break

Smokey's gone on a number of field trips with the shelter's volunteers, and they always report that he is well behaved in their vehicles and homes.

Sweet, Adoptable Smokey Just Can't Seem to Catch a Break

Smokey's gone on a number of field trips with the shelter's volunteers, and they always report that he is well behaved in their vehicles and homes.

Crocodile in Costa Rican Zoo Impregnated Itself, a First Ever Recorded

Crocodile in Costa Rican Zoo Impregnated Itself, a First Ever Recorded

He raised the theory that one possible reason parthenogenesis hasn't been reported in crocodiles yet is that people haven't been looking for the occurrence.

Crocodile in Costa Rican Zoo Impregnated Itself, a First Ever Recorded

He raised the theory that one possible reason parthenogenesis hasn't been reported in crocodiles yet is that people haven't been looking for the occurrence.

Diva June Would Like to Relieve You of the Duty of Ruling Your Own Castle

Diva June Would Like to Relieve You of the Duty of Ruling Your Own Castle

June also likes to have something to do so she isn’t bored, like the monitoring of her person/home, toys she plays with herself, and cat TV on YouTube. She loves...

Diva June Would Like to Relieve You of the Duty of Ruling Your Own Castle

June also likes to have something to do so she isn’t bored, like the monitoring of her person/home, toys she plays with herself, and cat TV on YouTube. She loves...