Rebecca West


Rebecca is a writer and editor for both print and digital with a love for travel, history, archaeology, trivia, and architecture. Much of her writing has focused on human and animal health and welfare. A life-long pet owner, she has taken part in fostering dogs for military members during deployment and given many rescued and surrendered dogs the forever home they always wanted. Her two favorite canine quotes are, "Be the kind of person your dog thinks you are," and "My dog rescued me."

Articles by Rebecca West

Rescue Dog Zhuzha's Heartbreaking Story Has a Much Happier Ending

Rescue Dog Zhuzha's Heartbreaking Story Has a M...

The best part is they seem to tend to one another as if nursing each other back to health, both physically and emotionally.

Rescue Dog Zhuzha's Heartbreaking Story Has a M...

The best part is they seem to tend to one another as if nursing each other back to health, both physically and emotionally.

Separated for Nearly a Year, a Young Afghan Refugee Was Happily Reunited with Her Dog

Separated for Nearly a Year, a Young Afghan Ref...

In a frustrating turn of events, they had to wait 10 months before flying to Canada to collect her beloved dog and cat.

Separated for Nearly a Year, a Young Afghan Ref...

In a frustrating turn of events, they had to wait 10 months before flying to Canada to collect her beloved dog and cat.

Love Story: Lonely Goose Whose Mate Died Finds a Match on Social Media

Love Story: Lonely Goose Whose Mate Died Finds ...

Birds are among the small pool of creatures on the planet that mate for life, with an estimated 90 percent of them partnering up permanently.

Love Story: Lonely Goose Whose Mate Died Finds ...

Birds are among the small pool of creatures on the planet that mate for life, with an estimated 90 percent of them partnering up permanently.

Playful Romie Has a 5-Star Review from His Adoring Fan Base

Playful Romie Has a 5-Star Review from His Ador...

While he's had a rough life until now, he's even worked up to belly rubs, and he'll give you gentle kisses for showing him it's okay to be loved.

Playful Romie Has a 5-Star Review from His Ador...

While he's had a rough life until now, he's even worked up to belly rubs, and he'll give you gentle kisses for showing him it's okay to be loved.

New Facial Recognition App for Finding Lost Pets is Reportedly 99 Percent Accurate

New Facial Recognition App for Finding Lost Pet...

Said to work even when animals are in motion, the new technology is available on the Google Play Store and the iOS App Store right now.

New Facial Recognition App for Finding Lost Pet...

Said to work even when animals are in motion, the new technology is available on the Google Play Store and the iOS App Store right now.

Poop Scooping for a Cause in Arlington, Virginia

Poop Scooping for a Cause in Arlington, Virginia

While some people can't wrap their heads around the idea of outsourcing pet clean-up duties, Clough says there's a strong interest in the industry.

Poop Scooping for a Cause in Arlington, Virginia

While some people can't wrap their heads around the idea of outsourcing pet clean-up duties, Clough says there's a strong interest in the industry.