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Articles by Rebecca West
Disabled Dog Gets Wheelchair Gifted From Merced...
Now that Bunny's fully recovered and in control of her Benz buggy, she's finally ready for adoption!
Disabled Dog Gets Wheelchair Gifted From Merced...
Now that Bunny's fully recovered and in control of her Benz buggy, she's finally ready for adoption!
California Bill Would Allow People & Pets t...
Given the lack of opposition, and the fact that it has passed unanimously up to this point, I have to think that chances are good this bill will make it...
California Bill Would Allow People & Pets t...
Given the lack of opposition, and the fact that it has passed unanimously up to this point, I have to think that chances are good this bill will make it...
Yet Another Dog Buried in Matted Fur is Rescued...
If anything, it looked like a Halloween costume for canines resembling something straight out of a sci-fi movie, like the Spider that Ate Manhattan.
Yet Another Dog Buried in Matted Fur is Rescued...
If anything, it looked like a Halloween costume for canines resembling something straight out of a sci-fi movie, like the Spider that Ate Manhattan.
#FuzzyFriday: A Small Kitten Dragged an Even Ti...
While Ginger had to stop a number of times due to the new kitten's weight as compared to his own, he was surely on a mission and wouldn't give up...
#FuzzyFriday: A Small Kitten Dragged an Even Ti...
While Ginger had to stop a number of times due to the new kitten's weight as compared to his own, he was surely on a mission and wouldn't give up...
Get Ready, the Annual Southeastern Colorado "T...
Starting at about dusk, tarantulas can march up to a mile across the Comanche National Grassland in their quest to reproduce.
Get Ready, the Annual Southeastern Colorado "T...
Starting at about dusk, tarantulas can march up to a mile across the Comanche National Grassland in their quest to reproduce.
Dog Dies on Hike in Phoenix, Owner Charged with...
It's 110 degrees out right now, we're in an Excessive Heat Warning. This is why these laws are implemented, so dogs don't die. So people don't die.
Dog Dies on Hike in Phoenix, Owner Charged with...
It's 110 degrees out right now, we're in an Excessive Heat Warning. This is why these laws are implemented, so dogs don't die. So people don't die.