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Vodka for Dog People is More Than Just a Tagline for Tito's
Unless you're an avid vodka drinker or somehow connected to animal rescue, you probably didn't know they had anything to do with animal advocacy one way or another. But they do, they have, and they're continuing to do so.
The stated purpose of the Vodka for Dog People program is to better the lives of pets and their families far and wide, but that doesn't tell us much. So, what is it that they actually do? Well, as it turns out, quite a lot.
Tito's has teamed up with nonprofits around the country to improve the lives of pets across the nation. One of their focuses is to transport dogs living in dangerous situations to safer locations where they can receive care and a better chance at finding loving, stable forever homes. For this particular effort, they have joined forces with three philanthropies, Wings of Rescue, Pilots N Paws and Mission Miracle K9.
Like the others, Wings of Rescue, a dedicated group in La Quinta, California, transports animals from overrun shelters and disaster areas to safe havens and facilities with more room and fewer furry residents. With flights across the country — and even to and from Puerto Rico and The Bahamas — they have saved 67,499 pets to date through these rides.
Another of their partnerships is with CARE, which stands for Companions and Animals through Reform and Equity. Their focus is the interest of human and animal well-being, and they do this by prioritizing and amplifying BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color) and other marginalized voices via narratives, research, and community-centered investments.
For a bit of background, Tito's work with nonprofits started more than 14 years ago with Emancipet, a nationwide organization of nonprofit pet clinics with the goal of providing every pet with high-quality care at affordable rates. Emancipet's basic services are what allowed Tito's to get all those distillery dogs mentioned healthier in their early years.
To better understand the groups taking part in this well-being campaign, watch the three videos below. When you're finished, check out Tito's Vodka for Dog People page to learn how you can get involved, too.
https://youtu.be/xs89uFjc2vg https://youtu.be/7x3vL3FedVQ https://vimeo.com/796265489