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Scientists Capture Magnified Video Of A Plant Breathing In Amazing Detail
The video offers a breakthrough in the field and helps scientists better understand how plants respond to changing carbon dioxide levels.
Scientists Capture Magnified Video Of A Plant Breathing In Amazing Detail
The video offers a breakthrough in the field and helps scientists better understand how plants respond to changing carbon dioxide levels.

Labrador Happily Helps Human Parents Take Care of Newborn Babies
After seven years of having their dog as their only companion, a couple teaches her how to also love her twin human sisters.
Labrador Happily Helps Human Parents Take Care of Newborn Babies
After seven years of having their dog as their only companion, a couple teaches her how to also love her twin human sisters.

Recalled Pet Food Sold Nationwide Could Be Linked To Hundreds Of Deaths And Illnesses
Midwestern Pet Foods is likely responsible for more than 130 dog deaths and hundreds of illnesses.
Recalled Pet Food Sold Nationwide Could Be Linked To Hundreds Of Deaths And Illnesses
Midwestern Pet Foods is likely responsible for more than 130 dog deaths and hundreds of illnesses.

Adorable White Tree Frog Loves Riding On Human's Hand
Who knew frogs could be so cute and cuddly?
Adorable White Tree Frog Loves Riding On Human's Hand
Who knew frogs could be so cute and cuddly?

Vet Opens Sick Cat's Stomach And Makes "Unbelievable" Discovery
A Good Samaritan brought the cat to the Charleston Animal Society.
Vet Opens Sick Cat's Stomach And Makes "Unbelievable" Discovery
A Good Samaritan brought the cat to the Charleston Animal Society.

Baby Camel Can't Wait To Share Snow With His Animal Friends
Albert the camel was so excited to see snow for the first time.
Baby Camel Can't Wait To Share Snow With His Animal Friends
Albert the camel was so excited to see snow for the first time.