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Stop Unnecessary Bovine Tail Docking!
Final signature count: 14
14 signatures toward our 25,000 goal
Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site
Stop this unnecessary and painful practice from continuing on America's farms.
For the livestock destined for slaughterhouses in America, aren’t short lifespan and often horrendous living conditions enough? For many farm owners, it’s not — and they take the cruelty even further by docking the poor animals’ tails.
Some producers dock animals tails because when they are closely confined they tend to step on each others’ tails. But livestock shouldn’t be closely confined in the first place — so tail docking makes it easier for these farmers to practice inhumane methods.
Tail docking causes extreme pain for the animal, results in lifelong discomfort and often, infection. There is no scientific basis for this practice.
H.B. 1697, if passed, would ban the method of tail docking completely. Sign in support of eradicating this painful and unnecessary practice.