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Thank Our Navy SEALs and the Dogs that Help Them!
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Sponsor: The Veterans Site
Sign in appreciation for our Navy SEALs and the dog who accompanied them on the mission to attack Osama bin Laden's compound.

The raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound may be one of the United States’ most accomplished moments in recent history.
We must thank the Navy SEALS who attacked the fortified compound in an urban location — without the use of bombs or missiles. They put their lives in grave danger to keep our country safe.
We must also be thankful for the military dogs who accompany our service members in battle situations. The SEALs who killed Osama bin Laden brought a dog along with them to add another element of security and tact to the mission.
Dogs in the military are useful for a variety of reasons — they are faster than humans, they can see more easily in darker areas, they are more agile and able to explore hard-to-reach areas, and their senses are much more honed than those of humans.
Please sign the pledge in appreciation of the military’s adept handling of the mission and of the dogs who keep our soldiers safe!