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End Barbaric Pig Scramble Torture
Final signature count: 0
0 signatures toward our 30,000 goal
Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site
End this cruel tradition of forcing innocent pigs to suffer fear and pain for entertainment by calling for the immediate halt of the Pig Scramble.

The Shenandoah County Fair’s annual Pig Scramble is a disturbing tradition that puts young pigs through a terrifying and inhumane experience. Children as young as three are encouraged to chase and capture frightened pigs in a chaotic event that many view as harmless fun. But for the pigs, it is anything but. Covered in lard and pursued by eager children, these intelligent and sensitive animals are subjected to immense stress and fear in the name of entertainment1.
Pigs Deserve Compassion, Not Cruelty
Pigs, like the pets we cherish in our homes, are capable of experiencing a wide range of emotions, including fear, anxiety, and pain. Studies have shown that pigs are as intelligent as dogs and exhibit complex social behaviors2. Yet, despite this, the Shenandoah County Fair continues to host an event that treats these sentient beings as mere objects of amusement. The scramble reduces these animals to prizes, disregarding their well-being and reinforcing a dangerous message that cruelty is acceptable.
The Call for Change
Animal rights activists and concerned citizens have repeatedly called for an end to the Pig Scramble, arguing that it is a relic of a less compassionate time. The event not only subjects the pigs to physical and emotional distress but also teaches children that it is acceptable to mistreat animals for fun3. This is not the lesson we should be imparting to the next generation. Instead, we should be fostering a sense of empathy and respect for all living beings.
Compassionate Alternatives Must Be Adopted
Despite growing opposition, the organizers of the Shenandoah County Fair have defended the event, claiming it teaches children responsibility by allowing them to care for the pigs they capture. However, there are countless other ways to teach responsibility that do not involve causing harm to animals4. Compassionate alternatives exist, and it is time for the fair to adopt them.
A Step Toward a Kinder Future
The continued existence of the Pig Scramble at the Shenandoah County Fair reflects a broader issue in our society’s treatment of animals. It is a stark reminder that traditions rooted in cruelty have no place in a modern, compassionate world. By ending this event, we can take a significant step forward in promoting kindness and empathy, not only within our community but also in the eyes of the children who participate.
Take Action for Compassion
This is a call to action for all who believe in treating animals with the dignity and respect they deserve. We cannot stand by while these innocent creatures are subjected to such inhumane treatment. It is time to raise our voices and demand change. The Shenandoah County Fair Pig Scramble must end, and with your support, it can.
Please join us in calling for an immediate cessation of this cruel event. By signing the petition below, you are taking a stand for compassion, empathy, and a brighter future for all living beings. Together, we can ensure that traditions based on suffering are left in the past, where they belong.
Sign the petition today and help us end the Shenandoah County Fair Pig Scramble.