Tell Trader Joes to Decrease Plastic Packaging

3 signatures toward our 25,000 goal

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Sponsor: Free The Ocean

It's time for this grocery giant to stop polluting.

Tell Trader Joes to Decrease Plastic Packaging

If you’ve shopped in one of Trader Joe’s 569 grocery stores, you’ve seen the massive amounts of single-use plastic packaging. Plastic clamshells, wrappers, bags, trays… and because less than 9% of all plastic gets recycled, the vast majority of this plastic will end up in our landfills and ocean, polluting our environment and harming our wildlife.

It is well known that plastic is toxic for humans, animals, and the environment. It’s not fair for consumers to feel the weight of the problem when shopping at Trader Joe’s, a grocery chain that offers more affordable options than others. Trader Joe’s needs to be held accountable for the plastic waste they’re creating — it doesn’t need to be this way!

Join us in telling TJ’s to take meaningful steps right now to decrease their single-use plastic packaging, including:

  • Plastic-free produce: Stop selling fruits and vegetables with plastic clamshells, bags, wrappers, and trays.
  • Bulk options: Providing customers with bulk dry goods such as beans, rice, flour, pasta, cereal, coffee, tea, spices, salt, sugar, and more.
  • Refill and reuse: Providing bulk personal care products such as shampoo, moisturizer, laundry powder, and dish soap to customers in reusable containers.
  • Swap store brand packaging: Repackage store brand products to cardboard, paper, glass, and aluminum where offering items in bulk is not an option; and offer name brand products that are packaged in non-plastic alternatives.

Sign the petition to tell Trader Joe’s CEO Dan Bane to direct the grocery giant away from plastic packaging.

The Petition

Dear Dan Bane,

Trader Joe's uses a massive amount of plastic in packaging its products. When we shop at one of your stores, we're forced to make the choice between affordability and contributing to the massive plastic pollution problem that is negatively impacting the health of our oceans, environment at large, wildlife, and human health. This is unfair pressure to put on your customers' shoulders who have exclaimed in recent years that they are fed up with the aisles and aisles of single-use plastic packaging. In addition to polluting the planet, you'll be losing more and more customers who are 'voting with their dollar' and leaving your stores to shop elsewhere.

You have an incredible opportunity to guide Trader Joe's in a new direction. You can take steps right now to decrease the plastic packaging in TJ stores across the country, bettering the experience for your customers AND stopping the insane amount of plastic pollution that stems from the products you sell.

I'm asking you to direct Trader Joe's away from plastic packaging and move toward a sustainable future, protecting your customers' health and our planet from additional pollution.