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Save Wild Animals from Cruelty — Stop Circus Exploitation
Final signature count: 0
0 signatures toward our 30,000 goal
Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site
Join us in the fight to end the suffering of wild and exotic animals in traveling circuses.

Traveling circuses subject wild and exotic animals to severe suffering. Confined in cramped cages, these animals are deprived of their natural behaviors, leading to significant health and psychological problems. Forced to perform frightening and sometimes painful tricks, their lives are filled with misery.
The adverse effects of captivity and transport are well-documented, with undercover investigations repeatedly exposing the harsh realities these animals face on the road1.
The Problem with Traveling Circuses
Animals in traveling circuses endure a life of constant confinement and lack of exercise. They spend most of their days in small, barren cages and are only let out to perform unnatural acts that often involve fear and pain. This existence not only impacts their physical health but also causes severe behavioral and psychological issues2.
Law Enforcement Challenges
The mobile and transitory nature of traveling circuses makes it extremely difficult for law enforcement to monitor animal conditions effectively. Violations of federal animal health, safety, and welfare laws are rampant, yet enforcement is problematic due to the constant movement of these acts3. This lack of oversight means animals continue to suffer without recourse, and public safety is continually at risk.
The Need for TEAPSPA
The Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act (TEAPSPA) aims to amend the Animal Welfare Act to restrict the use of exotic and wild animals in traveling circuses and other traveling acts. This bill is a necessary step toward ending the cruelty faced by these animals. By prohibiting their use, TEAPSPA will ensure that no more wild and exotic animals are subjected to the brutal conditions of life in a traveling circus4.
Economic Implications
Regulating animal welfare in traveling circuses is not only challenging but also costly. Inspections and enforcement require significant resources. For instance, the USDA’s inspections of Carson & Barnes Circus alone cost over $57,000 over three years2. Taxpayers bear 87% of these costs, while circuses only contribute 13%. By banning wild animals in circuses, we can save taxpayer money and simplify enforcement1.
Public Safety Concerns
The use of wild and exotic animals in traveling circuses also poses significant public safety risks. These animals are unpredictable and can become dangerous, leading to serious incidents. Ensuring public safety while these animals are on the road is virtually impossible, making TEAPSPA not only an animal welfare issue but a public safety one as well5.
A Call to Action
Congress has a responsibility to protect the welfare of animals and ensure public safety. Passing TEAPSPA is a proportionate, responsible, and cost-effective solution to the problem of animal exploitation in traveling circuses. This legislation will end the suffering of countless animals, prevent public safety hazards, and save taxpayer money.
We urge you to join us in supporting TEAPSPA. Your signature can help put an end to the cruelty and exploitation of wild and exotic animals in traveling circuses. Together, we can create a future where animal cruelty is no longer a form of entertainment.
Stand with us to protect these animals and ensure a safer, more humane society. Sign the petition now.