Michelle Milliken


Michelle has a journalism degree and has spent more than seven years working in broadcast news. She's also been known to write some silly stuff for humor websites. When she's not writing, she's probably getting lost in nature, with a fully-stocked backpack, of course.

Articles by Michelle Milliken

Could Inhaling Menthol Improve Cognitive Ability in Alzheimer's Patients? New Study Finds It Might

Could Inhaling Menthol Improve Cognitive Abilit...

The olfactory system has been linked with dementia in past research. A new study adds more evidence to the link, investigating how sniffing a certain substance could help slow the...

Could Inhaling Menthol Improve Cognitive Abilit...

The olfactory system has been linked with dementia in past research. A new study adds more evidence to the link, investigating how sniffing a certain substance could help slow the...

World Health Organization Issues Recommendation Against Using Non-Sugar Sweeteners for Weight Loss

World Health Organization Issues Recommendation...

Non-sugar sweeteners are commonly added to beverages, desserts, and breakfast foods. Research isn't clear on their health impacts, but the WHO says there's something you shouldn't use them for.

World Health Organization Issues Recommendation...

Non-sugar sweeteners are commonly added to beverages, desserts, and breakfast foods. Research isn't clear on their health impacts, but the WHO says there's something you shouldn't use them for.

Man with Genetic Predisposition for Alzheimer's Has Another Mutation That Delayed Disease's Onset

Man with Genetic Predisposition for Alzheimer's...

Researchers studying an extended family with a genetic mutation for early-onset Alzheimer's found one member that developed the disease much later than he should have. It appeared to be due...

Man with Genetic Predisposition for Alzheimer's...

Researchers studying an extended family with a genetic mutation for early-onset Alzheimer's found one member that developed the disease much later than he should have. It appeared to be due...

Cancer Death Rates Have Fallen in Every Congressional District, But Not at the Same Pace

Cancer Death Rates Have Fallen in Every Congres...

Cancer death rates have declined substantially in recent decades, but what about in each congressional district? A new study from the American Cancer Society investigated.

Cancer Death Rates Have Fallen in Every Congres...

Cancer death rates have declined substantially in recent decades, but what about in each congressional district? A new study from the American Cancer Society investigated.

Greater Good Charities' Global Discovery Expeditions is Expanding to Vietnam to Survey its Species

Greater Good Charities' Global Discovery Expedi...

Madrean Discovery Expeditions, which has long worked to document species in the Madrean Archipelago in the Southwest, is expanding globally. Next month, a group is headed to the biodiversity hotspot...

Greater Good Charities' Global Discovery Expedi...

Madrean Discovery Expeditions, which has long worked to document species in the Madrean Archipelago in the Southwest, is expanding globally. Next month, a group is headed to the biodiversity hotspot...

Study Investigates Survival Time of Cancer Patients Who Choose At Home or In Hospital Palliative Care

Study Investigates Survival Time of Cancer Pati...

When advanced cancer patients receive palliative care, they can do so in different settings. They may choose to receive care in the comfort of home. New research aimed to see...

Study Investigates Survival Time of Cancer Pati...

When advanced cancer patients receive palliative care, they can do so in different settings. They may choose to receive care in the comfort of home. New research aimed to see...