Michelle Milliken


Michelle has a journalism degree and has spent more than seven years working in broadcast news. She's also been known to write some silly stuff for humor websites. When she's not writing, she's probably getting lost in nature, with a fully-stocked backpack, of course.

Articles by Michelle Milliken

Dogs with Dementia Experience Same Sleep Disturbances As Human Dementia Patients, Study Finds

Dogs with Dementia Experience Same Sleep Distur...

A new study has found that sleep disturbances aren't limited to humans with dementia. Researchers believe their findings can help both dogs and people with the disease.

Dogs with Dementia Experience Same Sleep Distur...

A new study has found that sleep disturbances aren't limited to humans with dementia. Researchers believe their findings can help both dogs and people with the disease.

Study Recommends Black Women Screen for Breast Cancer Sooner, Due to Earlier Mortality Risks

Study Recommends Black Women Screen for Breast ...

U.S. mammogram recommendations vary, with some saying screening should begin at 50. A new study finds that these guidelines should take race into consideration, due to different mortality risks.

Study Recommends Black Women Screen for Breast ...

U.S. mammogram recommendations vary, with some saying screening should begin at 50. A new study finds that these guidelines should take race into consideration, due to different mortality risks.

Taking a Sleeping Pill May Lower Levels of Key Alzheimer's Proteins in the Brain

Taking a Sleeping Pill May Lower Levels of Key ...

Poor sleep has been linked with an increased risk of Alzheimer's. A new study investigated whether sleeping pills, and their resulting deep sleep, could counteract this.

Taking a Sleeping Pill May Lower Levels of Key ...

Poor sleep has been linked with an increased risk of Alzheimer's. A new study investigated whether sleeping pills, and their resulting deep sleep, could counteract this.

Wolf Project in Minnesota Catches Black Wolf on Camera

Wolf Project in Minnesota Catches Black Wolf on...

The Voyageurs Wolf Project recently shared footage of an all-black wolf, something they say they rarely see in their area.

Wolf Project in Minnesota Catches Black Wolf on...

The Voyageurs Wolf Project recently shared footage of an all-black wolf, something they say they rarely see in their area.

Video Calls Between Parrots Help Form Friendships, Study Finds

Video Calls Between Parrots Help Form Friendshi...

Since COVID, video calls have become another popular way to keep in touch with loved ones. Parrots appear to agree.

Video Calls Between Parrots Help Form Friendshi...

Since COVID, video calls have become another popular way to keep in touch with loved ones. Parrots appear to agree.

A History of Cats in The White House

A History of Cats in The White House

Dogs may be a bit more common for first families, but plenty of cats have made their way into The White House, even crashing a few of their human's formal...

A History of Cats in The White House

Dogs may be a bit more common for first families, but plenty of cats have made their way into The White House, even crashing a few of their human's formal...