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Plant Trees for Cities in the UK

Plant Trees for Cities in the UK


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SKU: SKU: SK-56394

Help improve cities by planting trees!

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City trees clean the air, provide carbon sinks, and make the cityscape more beautiful. They also create needed habitat for urban wildlife -- including migrating and local songbirds -- not to mention a safe haven from people, dogs, and cars.

But cities, especially in bustling inner-city and commercial locations, are seldom planned in a way that preserve or protect their trees. City trees are cut down to make way for new buildings, or because they are old, or to improve a view. The loss of each tree creates a void where beauty, cleaner air, and a vibrant micro-habitat once existed.

For over a decade, Trees for Cities (TFC) has been working with local communities to plant and maintain city trees. TFC's goals are to tackle global warming, create social cohesion, and beautify cities through tree planting, community education, and training initiatives in urban areas of greatest need.

To change the way we think about trees, TFC has created its Edible Playground program, connecting inner-city youth with nature.

You can help. Your donation through this Gift That Gives More™ plants 15 trees in the UK, helping re-green England for city-dwellers, for urban and migrating wildlife, and for generations to come.

Report from the Field


Thanks to donors like you, in 2016-2017 Trees for Cities was able to plant 54,000 trees across multiple public parks, schools, housing and hospital locations in 10 UK cities. In one of the recipient cities, Birmingham, 1,350 trees were planted at three primary schools. Trees in the school grounds will create a high-quality environment for children to interact with natural habitat and enjoy educational opportunities that they may otherwise not have access to. These spaces will develop children's enthusiasm for nature, particularly among children who have grown up in an urban context.


SDHSfire Thanks to YOUR support, in 2015-16 Trees for Cities was able to engage over 2000 volunteers to plant 50,000 new trees in the UK! These trees were planted in 9 cities in the country including London, Birmingham, Leeds and Sheffield.

It was great to see the children getting involved. Some of them took their responsibility for getting the trees planted very seriously. Let's hope it was a good life lesson well learned. I'm sure it was. -Howard Andrews, Friends of Temple Newsam Park (Leeds)

TFC's projects are located throughout Greater London, in Brighton, Bristol, Leeds, manchester, the Midlands, Nottingham, Reading, and Sheffield. Some of these locations are recovering from localized natural disasters, such as a hurricane in Brighton years ago and a disease killing many of the trees in Manchester.

Trees for Cities works with local communities on tree-planting and landscaping projects. Its aim is to tackle global warming, create social cohesion and beautify cities through tree planting, community education, and training initiatives in urban areas of greatest need.


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Important Info

100% of your Gift That Gives More™ donation will go as a charitable gift to Greater Good Charities. GreaterGood stores pay the credit card transaction fee, so every cent of your donation goes to charity.

Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.
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