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Protect Children with Autism from Wandering

Protect Children with Autism from Wandering


Regular price $35.00
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SKU: SKU: SK-65236

Help keep a child with an autism spectrum disorder safe!

Children on the spectrum engage in many behaviors that can be incredibly stressful to their families, but among the most stressful is wandering, "eloping", or bolting — that is, leaving a safe space without the knowledge of caregivers.

This behavior can be dangerous — children are unprepared for weather and traffic, and drowning is also a great fear. Many children who exhibit this behavior often cannot communicate their name, address, or phone number--by any means — to someone trying to help.

Fear that their child could leave home during the night can disrupt sleep for families, and this same concern during the day can keep families socially isolated from activities they could otherwise enjoy with their children.

Prevention is key to keeping a child on the spectrum safe from wandering. The "Big Red Safety Box" contains home alarms for doors, shoe IDs for children to wear (both now better quality to be longer-lasting), visual aid stop signs for the child to understand not to open doors, silicone wristbands, as well as many written materials and forms to share information about the wanderer with family, friends, and law enforcement.

You can help. $35 provides one Big Red Safety Box to a family to help keep children who show this behavior safe.

Update from the Field

January 2018

We are incredibly grateful because YOUR donations provided 14 Big Red Safety Boxes to 14 families in need. 9-year-old Aubrey is one of these precious children. Her parents told us this story about her increased awareness of her surroundings thanks to the Big Red Safety Box.

"My daughter was deterred from going out the doors due to the loud alarms. At first when she would open the door the loud alarms alerted me that she was running and after a few attempts she stopped opening them without an adult. She still obeys the stop signs above the door handles and we have written "did you ask?" on them, she asks everyone now. The bracelet and id tags (which she wears every day) also helped school staff be aware of her disabilities and help keep her safe at school."

girl painting

September 2017

Thanks to donors like you 2 Big Red Safety Boxes were distributed to keep children with autism safe. Thanks to YOUR generous donations three-year-old Trenton wears is his ID tag that he received in his Big Red Safety Box on his shoe everywhere he goes.

Boy with shoes

July 2017

Thanks to donors like you, 18 Big Red Safety Boxes were distributed to keep children with autism safe. Here is a quote from one of the recipients: "THANK YOU for the Big Red Safety Box! My daughter (pictured below) received hers today! We are very grateful for your generosity and the priceless information you provided." — Mom of safety box recipient.


National Autism Association responds to the most urgent needs of the autism community, providing real help and hope so that all affected can reach their full potential.


This donation is virtual and you will not receive a shipment. A tax receipt will be included in your order confirmation email.

Important Info

100% of your Gift That Gives More™ donation will go as a charitable gift to Greater Good Charities. GreaterGood stores pay the credit card transaction fee, so every cent of your donation goes to charity.

Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.
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