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Help A Malnourished Child in Burma

Help A Malnourished Child in Burma


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SKU: SKU: SK-69738

Help save a child's life in Burma.

Because of the unstable political and military situation in eastern Burma, children in communities there are at risk of malnutrition. Community Partners International has teamed up with local partners to provide malnutrition screening and treatment, as well as medication, supplementary vitamins, community education, and health worker training -- all designed to get Burma's children healthy, and keep them that way.

Moderate acute malnutrition in communities with access to this program has dropped from over 10% to 3.35% since these programs started. The positive impact of community education, in addition to progress in screening and treatment, is paying off in a big way for these children.

You can help support this life-saving program! Just $8 covers average program needs for one child, screening for and helping to protect against chronic malnutrition.

Help Burma

Update from the Field

September 2017

Thanks to YOUR donations, Community Partners International was able to support one mother breastfeeding a newborn child in a remote, under-served community in eastern Myanmar (Burma) to receive one-month's nutrition support to prevent malnutrition in her and her child and promote general health. Ma Tay Tay (pictured to the right) is a mother of two and takes care of her household while her husband travels for work. When she recently gave birth to her second child, Maung Aung Chat Thar, she experience swelling in her abdomen (postpartum edema) and felt dizzy and had difficulty breathing. She was worried that there was something seriously wrong with her so she visited the clinic supported by CPI, where she was referred to the Mae Tao Clinic, where they have more advanced diagnostic and treatment options. The clinic gave her a full check-up and found nothing wrong. Ma Tay Tay was able to return to her village with peace of mind. Upon her return, CPI was able to provide her with nutrition support consisting of beans and eggs to help her and her baby stay health during the crucial postnatal period. Both Ma Tay Tay and her baby are now in good health thanks in part to your donations.

Help BurmaJune 2016

This grant helped support rice supplies for 2,840 people in 294 households in Zaanghui, Pangsak, Langzaang, and Khua Dar villages in Tedim and Falam Townships, Chin State. Due to remote location of the target communities, and the fact that access routes were affected by floods and landslides, the supplies were delivered on horseback to four flood-affected villages in Chin State.

Community Partners International is dedicated to serving the most vulnerable people in Burma/Myanmar's remote villages, underserved central areas and conflict-affected border regions where there is little to no access to health care or public health education. Our global network has partnered with more than 60 local organizations, collaborating on community-based health projects and providing health skills training, resources, and technical support.


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100% of your Gift That Gives More™ donation will go as a charitable gift to Greater Good Charities. GreaterGood stores pay the credit card transaction fee, so every cent of your donation goes to charity.

Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.
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