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Restore a Forest in Uganda

Restore a Forest in Uganda


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SKU: SKU: SK-101969

Help replenish Uganda with healthy soil and trees.

Uganda is in the midst of an ecological crisis. Over the past few years, the country's trees have been cut down at an alarming rate. Charcoal burning and other unsustainable agricultural practices have resulted in rampant deforestation that has led to soil degradation. Because the soil is lacking in proper nutrients, crops are failing and food has grown scarce, especially in the regions of Kamuliand and Buyende.

Thankfully, it is not too late. Since 2008, Organic Perspectives has implemented a Community Agroforestry Project that has provided 100,000 saplings of fast-growing leguminous "fodder" trees to local farmers. Fodder trees and shrubs play a significant role in feeding domestic animals. In fact, trees and shrubs are increasingly recognized as important components of animal feeding, supplying protein in harsh environmental conditions like Uganda. Staff from Organic Perspectives trains local farmers on a wide range of agroforestry technologies, such as alley cropping, windbreaks, and live fencing. Farmers who have participated in Organic Perspectives' tree planting program have observed an increase in milk production and a higher fertility rate.

Please support Organic Perspectives' new initiative "1 to 2 Million Trees in Uganda's Countryside." With your support, Organic Perspectives can reach its goal of planting over 1 million trees in one year, replenishing the soil and reducing hunger throughout Uganda's countryside. Please donate today!

You can help. Just $5.00 raises 100 saplings.

Report from the Field
August 2016

With funding from GreaterGood, Organic Perspectives (OP) distributed thousands of leguminous saplings. In a very short time, these fledging trees will help feed animals and enhance the soil.


Organic Perspectives has helped to provide tree seed [Sesbania and Albizia] and agroforestry training to 30 different farmers' groups that are growing ginger in Kamuli and Buyende districts [eastern Uganda]. The trees will provide shade for the ginger; act as green manures, and help enhance soils through nitrogen fixation.

Organic Perspectives aims to protect the environment, promote food security, and enhance rural smallholder farmers' incomes through sustainable and economically-viable agriculture. Our mission is to engage smallholder farmers in protecting forests, adopting organic gardening techniques and the use of modern household energy for sustainable livelihoods.


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Important Info

100% of your Gift That Gives More™ donation will go as a charitable gift to Greater Good Charities. GreaterGood stores pay the credit card transaction fee, so every cent of your donation goes to charity.

Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.
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