Help Provide a Crate for an Animal in Need
Help Provide a Crate for an Animal in Need
SKU: SKU: SK-128571
GreaterGood needs your help to provide crates for animals in need!
In the times of disaster situations like natural weather related or man made hoarding situations, the number one item requested is crates. Crates are used to house the misplaced dogs and cats. Crates are also the most expensive item needing in these trying times and are very necessary to have. Crates allow the animals pulled from these situations to recover faster. A crate provides a safe stress free place of their own to stay.
Crates are easily sanitized and stored for use again and again. has access to a bulk discount of crates. Many smaller organizations do not have access to this kind of discount. Donating these crates to the shelters and rescues in need help tremendously during hard times.
You can help. Just $5 helps go to providing a crate for an animal in need. is committed to making the world a better place by protecting the health and well-being of people, pets, and our planet.
This donation is virtual and you will not receive a shipment. A tax receipt will be included in your order confirmation email.
Important Info
Important Info
Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.