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Help Immigrants and Refugees Achieve the American Dream

Help Immigrants and Refugees Achieve the American Dream


Regular price $10.00
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SKU: SKU: SK-144880

Help new refugees and immigrants to America learn English so they can secure better jobs, support their children in school, and give back to their local communities!

In America, over 25 million individuals age five and older struggle with English as a non-native language. Many come from dire political or economic circumstances and need an opportunity to gain stability and success. English skills are critical to building that path, yet the wait lists for affordable English classes are extremely long. These immigrants and refugees can't afford to wait years for a seat to open up. Many work multiple low-wage jobs and need English to get a better job. Many are parents who need English skills to support their children academically and to have a voice in their children's school. Limited English may also hinder immigrants from securing U.S. citizenship, understanding their rights as immigrants, and from using their skills from their home countries. Speaking English is critical to attaining a better life, but unfortunately, it is financially out of reach for far too many new immigrants.

English For New Bostonians is working to help these immigrants by providing funding for English students, training teachers and volunteers to work in programs, and heightening public awareness about the importance of English to immigrants and refugees ability to achieve success.

You can help. Donate today to provide these hopeful immigrants with supplies and volunteer support.

Update from the Field

February 2018


Thanks to YOUR donations, English For New Bostonians has been able to sustain free or low-cost English classes for 1,180 immigrants and refugees, enabling them to secure better jobs, support their children in school and give back to their local communities. Classes reached a wide range of immigrants and refugees from around the world, and with a range of employment and educational backgrounds, including those who have had no opportunity to attend school in their home country to those with a high school or college education and needing to improve their English to pursue their dreams in America.

One of the people that has been positively affected by your generosity is Istahil. Istahil is a mother of three from Somolia. After completing her ESOL for Parents class, she remarked:

“This year is the first year since I came to the U. S. in 2010 that I have been able to go outside…This English class has helped me learn many things about the school I didn’t know before, like report cards. I also learned about homework and how if I can’t help my children, I can take them to the library. And I learned how I can speak to my child’s teacher with confidence if something happens, or when I should speak to the principal. I learned how I must write notes to the teacher if my son is sick and how to write the note.
I go to the Parent Council now too. I want to know how the school works and everything about the school. I learn what parents can do in the school, like fundraising, or helping when things are broken. I never went to those meetings last year.
We learned a lot about the election too in English class. I am a citizen and I want to vote. But I didn’t know I have to register before, so I couldn’t. Next time I will vote."

Your donations help people like Istahil feel more comfortable participating in their communities in America. Thank you for your continued support!

ENB's mission is to increase access to affordable, high-quality English language classes for adult immigrants. Every year, ENB reaches over 1,100 students from around the world, including parents, refugees, the newly arrived, and people living on very low incomes. ENB creates new opportunities for students to learn English, for teachers and volunteers to improve their skills, and for the public to better understand the importance of English to immigrants ability to achieve their American dreams as parents, community members, workers, voters, business owners, and leaders. ENB works with schools, students, community activists, government agencies, nonprofits, and businesses to create a welcoming Boston that offers immigrants the opportunity to learn English and take part in all aspects of civic life.


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Important Info

100% of your Gift That Gives More™ donation will go as a charitable gift to Greater Good Charities. GreaterGood stores pay the credit card transaction fee, so every cent of your donation goes to charity.

Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.
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