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SKU: SKU: SK-156656

Help us provide "The Shoe That Grows" to kids in Haiti, so every child in need can have a pair of shoes that fits!

Over 1.5 billion people suffer from soil–transmitted diseases worldwide. Without shoes, children are especially vulnerable to soil–transmitted diseases and parasites that can cause illness and even death.

Children who get sick miss school, can't help their families, and suffer needlessly. And since children's feet grow so quickly, they often outgrow donated shoes within a year, leaving them once again exposed to illness and disease.

"The Shoe That Grows" can change all that. It's made of sturdy rubber (similar to that of a car tire), antibacterial synthetic leather, and Velcro. An adjustable sandal that grows five sizes and lasts for years, it's helping keep kids healthy, happy, and ready to take the next steps to their future.

You can help. Just $15 provides a pair of "The Shoe That Grows" to a Haitian child in need. To date, over 110,000 pairs of "The Shoe That Grows" have been distributed to kids in need in over 90 countries — let's keep going until every child in need has a well–fitting pair of shoes!

Update from the Field

January 2018Thirteen-Year-Old Patrick with his first pair of shoes

13-Year-Old Patrick had never owned a pair of shoes. A few months back, Eddie (who partners with Because International on another project) was driving through a rural village in Uganda when he saw a boy climbing a tree trying to get an unripe jackfruit. The boy said he was hungry and wanted to have something in his stomach so he could sleep. Eddie felt immediate compassion for Patrick, teaching him about farming so he could earn a little money for his family.

When the Because International Director of Operations, Luke, came to Uganda to meet with Eddie, he brought 10 pairs of "The Shoe That Grows" with him. Eddie saw the shoes, and immediately thought of Patrick, who works on the farm and walks long distances barefoot through harsh terrain to get to school.

Eddie and Luke drove to Patrick's farm. He was working in the cabbage field when Eddie handed him a pair of shoes, and Luke adjusted them to fit his weathered feet.

The day after they gave the shoes to Patrick, he went out and fetched 20 liters of water, selling it for 500 shillings ($0.14 USD). He used this money to make a phone call to Eddie, thanking him for the first pair of shoes he had ever owned.

Each pair of "The Shoe That Grows" goes to kids just like Patrick. Whether it is replacing a worn out pair of old shoes, or giving them their first pair of shoes ever, these shoes will keep these kids healthy and happy — ready to take the next steps to their future.

Because International is committed to practical compassion — doing the small things that make a BIG difference. We would like to put children in the best possible position to succeed. We do this through new innovations, specifically by improving current tools and resources used in daily, regular life. We listen to those living in extreme poverty to hear their thoughts, ideas, and dreams for a better life — and then we work together to help turn those ideas into a reality. We try to make things better by making better things.


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Important Info

100% of your Gift That Gives More™ donation will go as a charitable gift to Greater Good Charities. GreaterGood stores pay the credit card transaction fee, so every cent of your donation goes to charity.

Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.
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