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Plant a Tree, Save a Life in Malawi

Plant a Tree, Save a Life in Malawi


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SKU: SKU: SK-156782

In Malawi, Africa, deforestation is threatening the existence of future generations and wildlife, like the Vervet Monkey! Help us plant trees to counteract climate change and wildlife extinction.

Malawi is one of the world's most impoverished and densely populated countries. Ninety–five percent of the population cooks on a three–stone fire, using 3 to 4 bundles of wood per week. In addition, trees are often cut down and cleared to provide more farming land due to the fast–growing population and poor agricultural practices. With trees disappearing at an alarming rate, the environmental impacts are a severe decrease in wildlife, less rain, hotter temperatures, soil erosion, and drought — all factors leading to famine, poverty, and starvation. Without sufficient tree coverage, Malawi's immediate and long–term future for its people and wildlife is threatened.

Malawians need your help now! RIPPLE Africa, an organization based in the Nkhata Bay District of Malawi, is providing a long-term solution to deforestation with a tree planting project. At the household level, RIPPLE Africa helps individuals plant quick–growing trees that easily regenerate when branches are cut off. These serve as a sustainable source of firewood and timber for cooking. In deforested areas, they are planting indigenous hardwood trees in order to regenerate forests and reverse the negative environmental effects of deforestation. At the same time, individuals, community groups, and local schools are educated on the importance of trees, and how to use natural resources sustainably.

Since this project began in 2006, over 175 community groups have helped to plant well over 5 million trees. Although much progress has been made, much more needs to be done to combat deforestation and preserve the environment for those living in this impoverished country.

You can help! Just $15 plants 40 trees in deforested Malawi.

RIPPLE Africa is a non-profit organization working in the Nkhata Bay District of Malawi, Africa, and is focused on projects ranging from education to healthcare to protecting the environment. Founded in 2003, RIPPLE Africa's guiding philosophy is providing a hand UP, not a hand out, adopting practical and culturally–relevant solutions to development issues through partnerships with the community and local leadership.


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Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.
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